CSCI 241 -- Documentation Standards

General Program Comments

The following standard general comments should be included in every C program that you write and turn in:

This block of comments should be at the top of your source code, before anything else.


CSCI 241 - Assignment 1 - Fall 201x

Progammer: Mary Jones
Z-ID: z123456
Section: 4
TA: Joe Hill
Date Due: September 1, 201x

Purpose: This program accepts a single number from the
keyboard representing a temperature in Fahrenheit, converts
it to Centigrade, and displays it.

Variable Names

Most variable names in your program should describe the quantity or item that they represent. For example, if a variable is to hold a student's test average, don't call it "sa"; call it "studentAverage". If a variable is to hold a person's name, don't call it "s" or "n"; call it "name" or better yet, "studentName" or "employeeName". If a variable is to hold the number of students in a class, don't name it "n" or even "num" or "count"; do name it "studentCount" or "numberOfStudents".

The exception to this rule is for temporary variables that have no intrinsic meaning, especially "counting variables" in for loops:

for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)

When declaring variables, group and format them in a neat and logical manner.

int sum=0,numGizmos=0,gizmoID,squareOfGizmos=0,
i, j;
double avgGizmos, overallAvg, gizmoSDT,
this,that, theOtherThing;
int sum = 0,
    numGizmos = 0,
    squareOfGizmos = 0,
double avgGizmos,

We will not require that every variable be declared on a new line, but it is generally a good idea.

Line And Section Documentation

Line documentation consists of a comment about a single line of code. Often it is on the same line as the code:

ave = sum/count;    // calculate the average score

If the comment is very long, place it above the line so you don't create "line wrap" when you print:

// calculate the area of the triangle: semi is semiperimeter
// s1, s2, and s3 are sides 
Area = sqrt(semi * (semi - s1) * (semi - s2) * (semi - s3));     

A moderate amount of documentation in the main body of your program may be advisable, but if you name your variables and functions with meaningful names, you should not need much. If you name variables well, many programs won't need any Line Documentation. The following line does not need documentation.

pgmAvg = sumOfPgmPoints / NumPgms; 

You can use either the

/* some comment */ 

or the

// some comment 


Section documentation tells the reader about the section of code that follows. It is usually placed before a loop or decision construct or a series of lines that do a single task. Examples:

// Loop to accept and process user-supplied glucose measurments
// Decide if gizmos or widgets are to be used
// Calculate and store averages and standard deviations of measurements

Your programs should use a moderate amount of Section Documentation for functions (such as main()) that are long or have several distinct tasks. You should put a blank line before any Section Documentation and indent it the same amount as the code block that it describes. Obviously, use of Section documentation is partly a matter of personal judgment - but your programs should include at least a minimal amount of Section Documentation.


You must consistently indent the body of loops and the alternate blocks of a decision structure. Indent at least two spaces; you may prefer three or four (but no more than 4). The following may be taken as samples:

x = 10;
while (x > 0)
  cout << "\n" << x;
if (x > 0)
  answer = x*2;
  cout << "x was positive; answer is " << answer;
  answer = -x*2;
  cout << "x was negative; answer is " << answer;

Each nested structure must have its own level of indenting:

x = 10;
while (x > 0)
  cout << "\n" << x;
  if (x % 2 == 0)
    cout << "\nx is even";
    cout << "\nx is odd);

Note on curly braces:

Many people prefer other arrangements of curly braces.

while (x > 0) {
some code...
some more code...
while (x > 0)
  some code
  some more code

For this course, you may use whatever style you prefer, as long as you use it consistently.

Use of White Space

In general, use spaces to help the human reader.



for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) for (i=0;i<10;i++)
total = calcTotal(amt, taxRate, tip); t=fn(a,tr,t);
int i,
int i,j,k;

Also, between logical sections of the program (or between functions), insert blank lines to help the reader find the main sections. Often each of these sections should have Section Documentation to explain its role in the program. For example:

int main()
  int num1, 
  // Obtain user input of two integers
  cout << "Enter ...";
  cin >> num1;
  // Calculate Greatest Common Factor
  ... code to do the calculation ... 
  // Display result
  cout << "... ";

Function Documentation

Each function or method that you write for a given program must have a documentation box explaining

When documenting parameters and return values, do not simply list the parameter or return value's data type. That information can easily be found by looking at the first line of the function or method. Your documentation should instead explain the purpose and meaning of the parameter or return value. It's okay to mention the data type, but it is not sufficient.

Example 1:

Use: Sorts an array of integers in ascending order using
the selection sort algorithm 
Parameters: 1. ar: an array of integers to be sorted.
            2. numItems: the number of items to be sorted. 
Returns: nothing
void sort(int ar[], int numItems)
  // code here...


Example 2:

Function: calculateTriangleArea 
Use: calculates the area of a triangle, given the length
of the three sides. 
Parameters: three double values, each representing the length of
one of the sides. 
Returns: the area of the triangle, or -1 if the lengths do not
represent a valid (closed) triangle 
Notes: uses Hero's formula; if the quantity whose square
root is to be found is negative, this signals an
invalid triangle, and the function returns -1.
int calculateTriangleArea(double s1, double s2, double s3)
  // code here...