MOS 6502 CPU

6502 Style Data-path

Fetch/Execute Cycle

How fetch/execute cycle processes a short instruction sequence.

As C code :

  num1 = 35 + num1;

As 6502 assembler :

  0500   clc        Clear carry flag in CCR.
  0501   lda #23    Load the byte value 23h into the accumulator
  0503   adc $2043  Add the byte of data found at memory 2043h
                              Also add one if carry flag set
  0506   sta $2043  Store at memory 2043h

  0509   lda $2044  Load the next significant byte.
  050c   adc #00    Add zero, but this will also add the carry if set. 
  050f   sta $2044  Store the high byte back.

As 6502 machine code in memory :

189a  2308  43  2084  43   20...
clclda #23adc $2043sta $2043etc.
Note that 6502 uses little-endian, so adc $2043 is 8a 43 20 As von Neumann fetch/execute cycle : Initialize PC to start of program (500) Use Program Counter (PC) to find and retrieve instruction op-code from memory. (clc - clear carry) Increment Program Counter to next memory unit. Decode instruction op-code (op-code indicates no operands required) Execute instruction by clearing Carry bit in CCR(condition code register). (processor flags) Use Program Counter (PC) to find and retrieve (next) instruction op-code from memory. (lda # - load accumulator immediate) Increment Program Counter to next memory unit. Decode instruction op-code (op-code indicates it uses 1 byte operand) Use Program Counter (502) to find and fetch operand (23) from memory. Increment Program counter to next memory unit. Execute instruction by copying the value found into CPU's accumulator. Set any appropriate status flags. Load affects zero and negative Use Program Counter (PC) to find and retrieve instruction op-code from memory. (adc $ - add to accumulator with carry from 16-bit memory location) Increment Program counter to next memory unit. Decode instruction (op-code indicates it uses a 2 byte operand that indicates a memory location to read from) Use Program Counter to find and fetch 1st byte of operand (43) from memory. Store in the low byte of a 2-byte temp. register. Increment Program counter to next memory unit. Use Program Counter to find and fetch 2nd byte of operand (20) from memory. Store in the high byte of a 2-byte temp. register. Increment Program counter to next memory unit. Execute instruction by : Move the 2-byte address in temp register pair to memory address buffer. Fetch byte of data stored there. Add it to the contents of the accumulator, If carry flag set, add an additional 1, Finally, change appropriate status flags. Affects zero, negative, overflow, carry. * Because this instruction leaves work in accumulator, any write-back has to be performed by a separate instruction. Use Program Counter (PC) to find and retrieve next instruction op-code from memory. (sto - store accumulator at specified memory location) Increment Program counter to next memory unit. etc. .... As fetch/execute cycle in a 6502 CPU : PC - program counter IR - instruction register CC - condition code register AC - accumulator MAR - memory address register MBR - memory buffer [data] register TL/TH - dual 8 bit temporary register. The MBR may also be called MDR - memory data register. The PC may also be called IP - instruction pointer. The Fetch/Execute sequence Fetch Step PC = 0500 (clc 1 cycle) MAR<-PC Place PC contents on address bus, signal read required. MBR<-M[MAR] Read opcode = 18 into memory data/buffer register from memory. IR<-MBR Move opcode to instruction register. PC<-PC+1 Increment PC. PC = 0501 Some cpus use the ALU to increment the PC which would tie up the accumulator and add several steps. Others have a separate dedicated PC adder. Decode opcode - indicates that no operand is needed. Execute Step CC[C]=0 Set carry flag of CCR to zero. N Z C I D V - - 0 - - - Fetch Step PC = 0501 (lda #23 instruction 2 cycles) MAR<-PC Place PC contents on address bus, signal read required. MBR<-M[MAR] Read opcode = 9a into memory data register from memory. IR<-MBR Move opcode to instruction register. PC<-PC+1 Increment PC. PC = 0502 Decode opcode - indicates that operand is needed. PC = 0502 MAR<-PC Place PC contents on address bus, signal read required. MBR<-M[MAR] Fetch byte = 23 into memory data register. PC<-PC+1 Increment PC. PC = 0503 Execute Step AC<-MBR Move byte into accumulator. Change CC Set various flags as appropriate. N Z C I D V Negative and zero possibly affected. + + - - - - Fetch Step PC = 0503 (adc $2043 instruction 4 cycles) MAR<-PC Place PC contents on address bus, signal read required. MBR<-M[MAR] Read opcode = 8a into data register from memory. IR<-MBR Move opcode to instruction register. PC<-PC+1 Increment PC. PC = 0504 Decode opcode - next 2 bytes are address of needed data. PC = 0504 MAR<-PC Place PC contents on address bus, signal read required. MBR<-M[MAR] Fetch byte = 43 into data register. TL<-MBR Move retrieved data into lower half of 2 byte temp register. PC<-PC+1 Increment PC. PC = 0505 PC = 0505 MAR<-PC Place PC contents on address bus, signal read required. MBR<-M[MAR] Fetch byte = 20 into data register. TH<-MBR Move retrieved data into upper half of 2 byte temp register. PC<-PC+1 Increment PC. PC = 0506 Execute Step MAR<-TH/TL Move combined address to memory address register. MBR<-M[MAR] Fetch byte at memory 2043 into data register. AC<-AC+MBR Add data to Accumulator AC<-AC+CC[C] Add carry if set. For 6502, programmer is responsible for setting initial value of carry register before performing math. Change CC Set various flags as appropriate after completing both adds. N Z C I D V Negative, zero, carry, and overflow affected. + + + - - + Fetch Step PC = 0506 (sta $2043 instruction 4 cycles) MAR<-PC Place PC contents on address bus, signal read required. MBR<-M[MAR] Fetch byte = 84 into data register. IR<-MBR Move opcode to instruction register. PC<-PC+1 Increment PC. PC = 0507 Decode opcode - next 2 bytes are address of needed data. PC = 0507 MAR<-PC Place PC contents on address bus, signal read required. MBR<-M[MAR] Fetch byte = 44 into data register. TL<-MBR Store in lower half of a double width temporary register. PC<-PC+1 Increment PC. PC = 0508 PC = 0508 MAR<-PC Place PC contents on address bus, signal read required. MBR<-M[MAR] Fetch byte = 20 into data register. TH<-MBR Store data in upper half of temporary register PC<-PC+1 Increment PC. PC = 0509 Execute Step MAR<-TH/TL Move combined address to memory address register. MBR<-AC Move data from accumulator to data register. Signal a write. Fetch Step PC = 0509 Place the PC on the address bus and signal a read. ... You can download a .net version here.